Song Yuxi:In-situMeasurement of Adsorption and Lubrication Properties of Additive Molecules by Vertical-objective-type Ellipsometric Microscopy


Song YuxiIn-situMeasurement of Adsorption and Lubrication Properties of Additive Molecules by Vertical-objective-type Ellipsometric Microscopy



报 告 人:Song Yuxi



报告简介:Organic additive molecules play an important rolein reductionof friction in boundary and mixed lubrication.These additives are able to adsorb on the sliding surfaces to avoid contact with the sliding surfaces. However, the adsorption mechanism and relationship between adsorption and friction properties are not well understood due to difficulty of measurement.Here, we report a novel method with vertical-objective-type ellipsometric microscopy (VEM) that enables ellipsometry to directly measure the thickness change of adsorbed films during the adsorption process and gap changes during sliding in-situ. The lubricating film formation abilities of adsorbed films with different conformations will be introduced.

报告人简介:Song Yuxi,名古屋大学助理教授,2018年获吉林大学机械工程学士学位,2020年获名古屋大学微纳机械理工硕士学位,2023年获名古屋大学微纳机械理工博士学位。2023年至2024年,担任日本学术振兴会(JSPS)特别研究员。20244月至今,于名古屋大学信息学院复杂系统科学系担任Tenure Track助理教授。MacromoleculesTribology InternationalTOP期刊上发表学术论文多篇。主要研究方向为纳米尺度计量装备的开发、表面科学与摩擦学。

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